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CEOC International has published a Position Paper that deals with the issue of effective surveillance of the EU market.
You can download the original document HERE.

International trade continues growing and value creation chain networks extend all over the globe. European consumers benefit from an increasingly wide selection of products, but at the same time they have to be able to trust that these products are safe. This is why, more than ever, the EU needs well-organised, coordinated and suitably effective market surveillance in order to identify nonconforming and often unsafe products as early as possible.

„Market surveillance is the responsibility of the state.“
Market surveillance in Europe demonstrates weaknesses.”
Market surveillance needs tougher rules from the legislators.”
Independent testing is efficient and discharges the public sector.”
Independent testing offers protection of a preventive nature and is financed based on the originator principle.”

Overall, preventive testing of products by independent third parties (on a mandatory or on a voluntary basis) and market surveillance by public authorities can be considered complementary instruments to ensure that products in the EU internal market are safe and conforming. Therefore, these instruments should both be strengthened by the European legislator for the benefit of citizens’ protection.

Source: CEOC International - Effective market surveillance for Europe





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