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Eastern and Central European CEOC International Members´ Meeting


Eastern and Central European CEOC International Members´ Meeting

From 8 to 10 April 2014, an international meeting of CEOC member organizations from Eastern and Central Europe was held in Prague.

Organized by the Engineering Test Institute, Public Enterprise (SZU), the meeting brought together UDT and TDT (Poland), Inspecta (Finland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia), CNCIR (Romania), SAMTS (Bulgaria), and SZU (Czech Republic). Mr. Simo Hassi, President of CEOC Int., Mr. Drewin Nieuwenhuis, Secretary General, and Ms. Dagmar Kotova, International Affairs Manager, were also in attendance. The guests of honor who spoke at the meeting were Dr. Pavel Malčík, President of AAAO, and Mr. Kari Aulasmaa, CEO of Inspecta Group.

The meeting featured a discussion on the experience with accreditation in individual countries, and its connection to authorization and notification, as well as the coordination of activities of the entities involved in CEOC.

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