Comprehensive services in areas of testing, inspection, certification and training.



New testing facility for heat pumps and cooling equipment

The grand opening of the new testing facility for heat pumps and cooling equipment took place online on 25 and 26 May 2021.

At the end of May, we were proud to present our newly built testing facility for heat pumps and cooling equipment to selected manufacturers and important partners from the Czech Republic and from abroad. We have thus significantly increased our testing capacity and flexibility of implementation dates. 

We had originally planned to meet in person and make a tour of our new premises together, but due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the celebration eventually took place online.

After the introductory speeches from the director of SZU, Mr. Tomáš Hruška (here), Minister of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, Mr. Karel Havlíček (here), and Mrs. Hanane Taidi, Director General of the international association TIC Council (here), there was a commented video tour of the new test chambers and the opportunity to observe the whole technology. Then it was the turn of the heads of the fields concerned. They summarized the key information from the tour in a short presentation, and then answered live questions from the chat audience. The second day of broadcasting was dedicated to foreign participants. The Secretary General of the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA), Mr. Thomas Nowak, gave a very interesting lecture on "Heat pumps for everything and everybody - A most positive outlook for a decarbonized Europe".

For our company, the opening of this new testing facility has been the largest and most important investment project in our recent history. There has been a huge amount of work behind the new test station. SZU employees have devoted 10 600 hours of their time to the project, and another 2 400 hours have been taken by subsequent technical modifications.

What is the benefit of opening the new testing facility?

In addition to increasing our testing capacity and greater flexibility of implementation dates, we can now also offer:

In the future, we plan to further expand the portfolio of our services and tested products.

On our web pages, you can read more information about our offer of services for heat pumps, chillers and the measurement of acoustic parameters.

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