Comprehensive services in areas of testing, inspection, certification and training.



SZU participating in a business mission to Canada


In cooperation with the Czech Foreign Office, the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic has organized a business mission accompanying the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs – Mr. Miloslav Stašek, to Canada. This business mission, focused on the Province of Ontario and held from 10 to 14 October 2016, was also attended by Michal Dvoracek from the Foreign Cooperation Section of SZU. It is worth of emphasizing that SZU undertook this valuable opportunity to present its key services and professional competence during numerous discussions with a whole range of Canadian entrepreneurs, people from the university environment, but also representatives of local municipalities that have expressed their interest to participate in a broader platform linking business, academia sector, services, but also qualified labs and certification bodies from the TIC sector. At the same mission, a strategic alliance with the CSA – a global certification authority – was also discussed, for the scope of authority of CSA covers the entire North American territory, not only Canada, but also the United States.



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