Comprehensive services in areas of testing, inspection, certification and training.



Agreement on mutual cooperation between SZU and UDT

Cooperation, partnership and increasing the professional background of inspection specialists from both sides. These are the most important points of our agreement on mutual cooperation with our Polish counterpart, the inspection organisation UDT (Office of Technical Inspection/ Urząd Dozoru Technicznego).

Among other things, the long-term goals of the SZU include cooperation with foreign institutions operating in our TIC sector. Such partnerships have significant benefits not only for the employees of the institutions, but also for the entire field of testing, certification and inspection, in the form of exchange of information in the areas of technical standards and regulations, mandatory regulations or laboratory tests on technical equipment.

As a result, the quality and development of all organisations operating in the TIC sector has an absolutely crucial impact on safety in many markets and areas, from industry to construction products and plants to healthcare, households or consumer goods.

Thank you for your partnership with UDT. We are confident that our collaboration will not only lead to the development of our teams, but will also have positive benefits for our customers and ultimately consumers around the world.


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